Daniel’s background in assessment and computer science 00:35The invention of Mobile Assessor and its later wider adoptionHow technology such as the iPad changed the industryTraveling a lot for work while growing a software companyFlagship product: Mobile Assessor 6:25A synchronization service that can attach to any databaseIncreasing productivity by increasing efficiency of data entryRoute optimization — solving the “traveling salesman problem”Being able to adjust to dynamic conditions and changing prioritiesMachine Learning (ML) and AI — the next step? 13:04Extracting information from imagery to better utilize assessor timeRecent growth in research and technology in ML and AIError recognition vs change detectionAdvice to newcomers 17:04Being open to change in both technology and operating procedureSupporting open data standards to support innovation and competitionHow to reach Daniel 19:55https://woolpert.com/products/dcs-a-woolpert-company/[email protected]