Introduction to Assessment Matters podcast 00:00Kevin’s background and big ideas 00:35Matt’s experience in fee appraisal and assessmentRecruiting a new wave of appraisers and assessorsTransitioning from the private to the public sector 2:05Drastic similarities vs drastic differencesBe open-minded, flexible, and willing to learnIAAO courses are usefulValuation methodology in Suffolk 4:23Adjustments based on sales, including using regional dataResidential vs commercialKevin’s career progression 5:55Getting more people interested in assessment 7:19The current wave of widespread retiring, and the potential loss of knowledgeBeing more involved in recruitment at colleges/universitiesBetter job of promotion and advertisement — best done by actual assessorsBeyond the retirement wave — big trends in the field 9:57Rapid evolution of technologyThe fee appraisal industry vs the rise of AVMAdvice for newcomers 12:12Be willing to step out of your comfort zoneNetwork as much as possibleHow to reach Kevin 13:[email protected] line: +1 (757) 514-7498